The Study Program

What if I have questions on the information I’m studying?

One of the most amazing things about Chidon is how many people are part of it. There is no shortage of people who would love to help you out! Start by contacting your base’s Chidon Coordinator, who may either answer you directly, recommend a Whatsapp chat for you to join, or otherwise point you to

Are there other ways of studying if I don’t like to read?

Yes! We have audio books of all Chidon units for those who prefer to listen. There are online classes available to prepare you for the tests, as well as video classes for the Mitzvah Maven track! (Please note, you’ll still need to refer to the study guide to be properly prepared for the tests.)

Is Chidon only for brainy kids?

Nope. Chidon is for EVERYONE. The three different Chidon tracks make that possible. You can read about them in detail in the Chidon Overview section of the study guide, or get a general idea of it in “The Race” section of our about page.

How can I get a Chidon book?

Chidon books (the Rohr Yahadus Curriculum) are available for purchase in our resources section for $45 plus shipping and will be shipped straight to your home. You will also have the option to order a book while registering for Chidon through the registration form (at a special sale price) and have the book shipped to